3 More Great Products to Improve Your Life
Back by popular demand, here is the next installment of Great Products to Improve Your Life. Sharing great ideas and awesome products with you is one of the reasons I created Danny’s Nice Town. Here are 3 products I think you’ll love. Enjoy and share this article with others.

Rainbow in Trogir
Best Lip Balm Ever
Hockey players use Blistex. Is there anything else you need to know? I’ve been using Blistex since I played hockey for the NY Rangers back in the 60’s and I agree, Blistex is absolutely the best lip balm on God’s green Earth. It’s inexpensive, works immediately, comes in a cool, small, green tube (the medicated version) and it fits in your pocket. I promise, no one will ask you, “Is that a Blistex in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?”.
Best Coffee in the World
Italians know coffee. Seriously. I’m Italian so I am obviously an expert. Coffee lovers all over the world have their favorite. Some like strong coffee, some like it mild. For some reason, the coffee in Sweden is awesome. It’s strong but not bitter. Croatia makes excellent tasting espresso (though they serve it in lilliputian cups so you have to order 4 cups). Good News! You don’t have to travel to Europe to get delicious coffee. The best coffee I have tried this year is Lavazza. If you like strong coffee without bitterness, you’ll love Lavazza coffee. And it’s, wait for it………………………………..made in Italy!
The Best Coffee Maker in the Galaxy
If you’re going to make great coffee, and you want it to taste as yummy as possible, you’re going to need a better coffee maker. Mr. Coffee was just fine when you were 22 but you’re a grown up now and you need a grown up’s coffee maker. Shopping for coffee makers is a drag. They have so many different models, it makes my brain hurt. So, because I care about you and I don’t want you to get head pain, I am recommending Krupps It simply makes the best coffee and they look good too. Check this one out.
Krupps makes several models, browse here, or just buy this one and call it a day.
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