Prediction Results!
Just what you’ve been waiting for. The fascinating prediction results Danny’s Nice Town made last year.

Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash
Last year Danny’s Nice Town made 5 predictions and published those predictions on January 26, 2019. Now it’s time to see the prediction results and see what kind of prognosticator Danny’s Nice Town really is. Punxsutawney Phil has nothing on Danny’s Nice Town but keep on reading to see for yourself.
Let’s see how good Danny’s Nice Town is at making predictions.
1. Prediction: The Stock Market will go up by at least 15% by year end. The Dow Jones is around 24,700 as of this writing, so it will be 28,400 or higher by Dec 31, 2019. This one’s a sure bet!
Prediction Result: CORRECT! The Dow Jones closed on December 31, 2019 at 28,538. This is simply an amazing prediction. A lot of things had to happen for this prediction to come true. Danny’s Nice Town touched on most of them last year including employment, earnings, the Fed rate and the Trade war.
2. Prediction: Apple will announce a new product or service in September, that will knock your socks off. Apple will launch a health product or service that will revolutionize the industry.
Prediction Result: Wrong. Apple did not make this announcement last September but probably will this year. Apple did announce the Series 5 Watch which does have some great features to benefit your health. We’ll see if Apple incorporates the Watch with the healthcare announcement that’s coming.
3. Prediction: Hemp industry will explode.
Prediction Result: CORRECT! You can’t take 5 steps in any city in America without seeing a sign in a store window enticing you to buy their awesome CDB product. In 2018, the farm bill passed which made the production of industrial hemp legal in the United States. This has opened doors for the legalization of the cannabis compound…hence the reason for this prediction. CDB is reported to help with pain relief, acne, anxiety and nausea.
Now get ready for your mind to be blown…
Photo by Kyle Johnson on Unsplash
4. Prediction: Aliens exist. Scientific proof of the existence of intelligent extraterrestrial life will be announced in 2019.
Prediction Result: CORRECT! The US Government, specifically the US Navy, announced the existence of aliens this year. Here are 3 articles to prove this prediction is correct.
From the History Channel –
Navy Confirms UFO Videos Are Real and Show Unidentified Aerial Phenomena
From CNN –
The US Navy just confirmed these UFO videos are the real deal
From FOX –
UFO videos are footage of real ‘unidentified’ objects, US Navy acknowledges
When did CNN and FOX ever agree on anything?!
5. Prediction: A new Social Media company will open.
Prediction Result: CORRECT This prediction actually was a bit late but as of January 20, 2020, a new Social Media company has received their LLC and more information and news will follow.
These are the results of Danny’s Nice Town predictions for 2019. What do you think? Four out of 5 ain’t bad, huh? I would love to hear your comments and even your predictions for 2020.
Comment here, email me or reach out on the Facebook Page.
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